Adopting From Us
All of our available pets are listed below. To apply, you can click the adopt link on the pet profile or click here: adoption application.
If you find a pet you are interested in, you can always email us for more information. Once you are ready to adopt, you can fill out the adoption application (link will be in the pet profile). If your application is approved, we then schedule a home visit with the pet so you and your family can meet him/her.
We try our best to process applications within 7 business days. However, we ask for your patience as we are 100% volunteer run and there may be times the process may take longer. Applicants are always welcome to check up on their status! If we have questions, we will email from and we call from 920-671-4727.
Our complete adoptable pet listing is always at Adopt A Pet. Feel free to share this link with anyone looking for a pet. If we do not have the right match, you can also search for adoptable pets with other nearby organizations.